In Worship We GrowOur faith is fed by the Word and nourished at the table of the Lord. As a tree receives nutrients through the roots.
Worship and Music Ministries: - Chapel Choir - Handbell Choir - Bridge of Harmony (BOH) - Worship and Music Action Team (WaMAT) - Altar Guild - Audio Visual Team (AV) In Stewardship We CareWe faithfully manage the resources God has given us. As the trunk supports the whole structure
Building and Grounds: Administration: - Church Council - Executive Committee (E-Comm) Finance: - Money Counters - Financial Secretary - Financial Recorder - Memorial Committee - Bethlehem Foundation Office: Communications: - Website - Monthly Newsletter - Sunday Bulletin - Weekly Announcements - Mailings In Ministry We ServeWe live out our love for one another in prayer, learning, fellowship, and service. As a tree produces fruit on its branches.
Education: - Sunday School - Confirmation - Adult forum/Connection Conversations - Tuesday morning bible study - Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women (BLCW) Children, Youth & Family Ministry - Easter Breakfast - Service Projects - Middle School Ministry - High School Ministry - Youth & Family Team Service: - Visitation Ministry To Seniors - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women (BLCW) - Quilting Group - Prayer Shawl Ministry - Christmas Boutique - Creation Care Team Prayer: - Prayer Chain - Weekly Prayer Team In Mission We Reach OutWe reach out to the community and world with compassion and understanding. As a tree reaches out with its branches to share its fruit.
- Valley Outreach - Quilting Group - Dane's Place Shelter Home Team - Homeless Shelter Ministry - Funeral Helpers - Christmas Giving Tree - Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Women (BLCW) |
490 4th ST N | Bayport | MN | 55003