Second Sunday SupperThe Second Sunday Supper is a monthly meal served on the second Sunday of the month at 5:00pm in the church basement. The meal is an outreach to members of the Saint Croix River Valley.
We welcome anyone who would enjoy a home cooked meal and desert. All are welcome! Hope for the Journey Home
Valley OutreachValley Outreach houses the local food shelf. Three to four times a year volunteers from our church are assigned a week to stock shelves, usher people through the food aisles, and weigh food that is distributed. Regular food drives are also carried out at the church. Food items may be brought to the grocery cart by the office entrance. Bethlehem also supports the Emergency Fund with special offerings. This fund provides emergency money to people in short-term crises. Volunteers are also utilized to work in the Clothes Closet.
Dane's Place Shelter HouseDane's Place is a house next door, owned by the church, which provides emergency shelter for families in crisis. Families stay 1-2 years until they can find adequate housing.
Pony Pre-SchoolPony Pre-School is an independently run and owned program at Bethlehem. It is directed by Directors Connie Carlson and Cory Mowinkel. Pony Pre-School is consistent with our goal to serve the community and provide safe, quality care for the children of our community. The children of Pony Pre-School participate in weekly chapel services lead by the pastor in the sanctuary. More information at
490 4th ST N | Bayport | MN | 55003